A comprehensive review of the Golden Girls, by Bea.
Tell It Like It Tiz book is now on sale in my Etsy store! Order directly from us and get it signed by Nicole G.
Ben was struggling trying to get people to exercise today, but then Leola showed up and wrecked the scene! She was jamming to Aretha. Bea is back, and went deep on the “Advanced Style” coloring…
Miss Bee, regarding recent police violence.
Happy 8 Year Anniversary, Tell It Like It Tiz!!! Marc Parker and I have officially been sitting with seniors for 8 years this October. Http://tellitlikeittiz.tumblr.com
We recently visiting the Olympia Timberland Library to tell people about our book, with Ponyo in tow.
Tell It Like It Tiz is on sale through March 12th for only $10!
*SALE* *SALE* *SALE* *** Until next Wednesday, the 2014 Invincible Summer Calendar is only $5 and Tell It Like It Tiz is only $10!