I have a podcast, and it is alive! We post on Fridays. Listen here or Suscribe to Sagittarian Matters on iTunes. Episode 1: Michelle Tea & Beth Ditto Episode 2: LOVE episode featuring Ariel Schrag,…
IS IT WEIRD THAT WE SPLIT THE CHECK? Dear Nicole, I recently went to get a midnight snack at a fast food joint with my boyfriend. The cashier looked a bit surprised that we were…
MY PARTNER HAS LOW SELF ESTEEM Dear Nicole, I am currently in a relationship with my childhood sweetheart. She is a rape survivor and we have been together for over seven years now (since we…
My favorite advice column ever was when I turned the reigns over to Graham and Diane. Advice on eyeliner, apologies, and cohabitation herein. (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmFSmUAus5k) (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
RAPID-FIRE ADVICE FOR A FREE BLACK FRIDAY EXPERIENCE. Dear Nicole, How do you support someone you love and live with who is suffering from depression and massive self doubt? Dear You, One of the best…
ADVICE ON DATING IN A CRISIS See these guys up there? The turtle and snail? This is how fast you will take your relationship, Curtaintown. Dear Nicole, How does one navigate a new relationship they…
UNSOLICITED ADVICE, Re: AT-HOME EUTHANASIA Hello, Readers. As you may or may not know, I am keeper to two very geriatric dogs. Beija, who is recovering from cancer, and Wishbone, the senile terrier. As of…
Good morning, readers!These questions are from a month-long tour of the United States, where I answered anonymous advice them in a live setting, along-side the incredible Cassie J. Sneider. I returned home with a backpack…
QUICK QUESTIONS FROM THE ROAD All questions were submitted lively and anonymously during a book tour, and answered live, on-the-spot! Dear Nicole, How do you be abiding toward someone you don’t like to be around?…
VINTAGE ADVICE FROM Amos Mac, Tara Jepsen, and Kirk Read!!!! Dear Nicole, How do I stop having a crush on someone? I legit wanna be friends with this girl because she’s awesome in a particular…